قديم 03-25-2009, 08:33 PM
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عضو مشارك
تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2008
المشاركات: 31
افتراضي مسطلحات طبية تستخدم كثيراً في التعامل مع الصلب المشقوق


السلام عليكم
وجدت أثنء صفحي لأحد المنتديات المعنية بالصلب المشقوق هذه الشاركة فأحببت نقلها لكم للفائدة
وللترجمة يمكنكم إستخدام موقع قوقل للترجمة أو أيبرنامج ترجمة تثق به علماً أن الترمة الآلية في الغالب ليست دقيقة.
مدر هذه المشاركة للأمانة الأدبية هو منتدى سباينا بيفيدا كونيكشن على الرابط

A - C

- The sideways movement of the limbs away from the midline.

ADDUCTION - The sideways movement toward the midline.

ALPHA-FETOPROTEIN (AFP) - High levels of this protein in the mother's blood or amniotic sac. Often associated with a neural tube defect.

AMBULATORY - Capable of walking.

AMNIOCENTESIS - A process by which the amniotic (or fetal) sac is punctured by a needle and fluid removed. The amniotic fluid removed can then be studied for detection of neural tube defects and chromosomal abnormalities before the baby is born.

- Open neural tube defect with absent brain development that leads to early death.

- An organ existing in abnormal form, structure or location.

- A drug used to relax the bladder.

- The cessation of breathing noted by color changes, pallor and/or cyanosis and lack of chest wall movement.
AQUEDUCTAL STENOSIS - The passageway (aqueduct) connecting the third and fourth ventricles of the brain becomes narrowed, thus blocking or reducing the normal flow of cerebrospinal fluid.

- See Chiari Malformation.

- The surgical fixation of a joint.

- A neurological condition in which coordination of movement is impaired.

- A specific difficulty with concentration that can impair school performance and social relationships.

- The nerves that regulate automatic functions of the body.

- An immobilizing jacket that is molded to the legs and lower body.

- An aid for the support of a joint.

- The lower portion of the brain important for breathing and other vital functions.

- A foot deformity in which the heel is turned outward and the front part of the foot is elevated.

- A tube used to remove fluid from a cavity. A urinary catheter is passed through the urethra into the bladder in order to withdraw urine.

- (Computerized Axial Tomogram) - An x-ray exam in which a scanner revolves around the head and takes pictures to obtain cross-section views which give good visualization of the ventricular system.

- A water-like liquid made by the brain which fills the ventricles inside the brain and surrounds the brain and spinal cord to provide nourishment and protect them from shock.

- The first seven bones of the spinal cord.

CHIARI MALFORMATION - The Chiari (11) is a malformation of the hindbrain, or brainstem associated with myelomeningocele and can cause hydrocephalus and other symptoms. The cerebellum may be elongated and drop down along the lower brainstem, through the case of the skull and into the cervical canal: the fourth ventricle may be elongated and enter the cervical canal. Although most people with myelomeningocele have the Chiari Malformation, it is estimated that only 20-30 percent become symptomatic.

CHOROID PLEXUS - Small flower-like tufts in the ventricular system that produce cerebrospinal fluid.

CLUBFOOT - A deformity of the foot that is twisted at the ankle so that it cannot rest properlyon the ground.

- The four fused vertebrae that make up the tail bone.

COGNITIVE - Pertaining to functions of the brain such as thinking, learning, and processing information.

COLLAGEN IMPLANT - A method used to treat incontinence when leakage is caused by lack of control or poor control of urine flow from the bladder.

CONGENITAL - Existing at birth.

CONTRACTURES - Fixed deformities at the joints resulting in loss of range of motion.

CORPUS CA" OSUM - A midline structure in the brain.

CRANIUM BIFIDUM (Encephalocele) - A defect in the skull with protrusion of brain tissue.

CREDE - A technique which consists of pressing down and inward with the hand over the bladder to empty it.

CYANOSIS - Bluish tinge around the mouth or nail indicating a lack of oxygen.

CYSTOMETRIC EXAM - An examination that measures the pressure inside the bladder. It also aids in diagnosis of bladder muscle condition.


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الساعة الآن 10:35 AM.