السلام عليكم
قد يكون متاخر ان نعد حملة حول حمض الفوليك و التي من الممكن ان تعمل في شهر اكتوبر كل سنة
لعلنا نقوم بالحملة في السنة القادمة و بعد ان يساعدنا الاخرون
هذه رسالة وصلتني من احد المنظمين لحملة التوعية الاجنبية
October Is National Spina Bifida Awareness Month
Every October, the Spina Bifida Association increases public awareness about Spina Bifida during Spina Bifida Awareness Month. Through public awareness comes understanding and support of our mission to promote the prevention of Spina Bifida and to enhance the lives of all affected. Throughout the year, and especially in October, SBA implements key programs and services to support its mission.
Folic Acid Pocket Card – NEW!
Use this quick reference card that fits in the white coat pocket for your outreach to health professionals. This card includes information on folic acid and recurrence prevention. A version for healthcare professionals in English and a version for community educators/promotoras in Spanish are available. To order, visit SBA’s Marketplace (
Other October Events:
>>Adopt-a-Ghost® - local program run my SBA Chapters
>>The Spina Bifida Caucus introduced bills to both the House and Senate in recognition of this important month. This effort was supported by in person visits on Capitol Hill by many SBA leaders and virtually through an online advocacy alert (
Adriane K. Griffen, MPH, CHES
Director of Health Promotion and Partnerships
Spina Bifida Association
4590 MacArthur Blvd., NW, Suite 250
Washington, DC 20007-4226
800-621-3141 ext. 13
202-944-3285 ext. 13
FAX 202-944-3295
الدكتور عبدالرحمن السويد
منتدى الوراثة الطبية