أختي أخصائية تخاطب،،،
I am student in speech and hearing therapy-college of applied medical sciences- king saud university .
I am working on a course project to define child language disorders, and part of my assignment is to seek the feedback from practicing clinicians. I have few question to ask toy pleas
please can you help me ?
if you can , please answer these question:
Q1:Acoording to you , what is languagr disorder /or how do you define language disorders?
Q2: how do you decide whether a child has a language disorder?
Q3: what do you use as a criteria?
Q4:do you take mental age into account ?
Q5:what aspects of language do you assess
أتمنى أن تكون الاجوبه باللغه الانجليزيه
وإذا كان بإمكانك كتابة مكان عملك واسمك الاول (( اذا سمحتي))
تحياتي لك ،،، أشواق