معلم متقاعد
01-29-2010, 07:32 PM
استخدام أنشطة الذكاءات المتعددة في اكتشاف الأطفال الموهوبين بمرحلة التعليم الأساسي باليمن
http://www.yemen-nic.info/images/raw.gifالباحث: د / سعيد علي محمد فهيد
http://www.yemen-nic.info/images/raw.gifالدرجة العلمية: دكتوراه
http://www.yemen-nic.info/images/raw.gif الجامعة: جامعة أسيوط
http://www.yemen-nic.info/images/raw.gifالكلية: كلية التربية
http://www.yemen-nic.info/images/raw.gifالقسم: علم النفس
http://www.yemen-nic.info/images/raw.gifبلد الدراسة: مصر
http://www.yemen-nic.info/images/raw.gifلغة الدراسة: العربية
http://www.yemen-nic.info/images/raw.gifتاريخ الإقرار: 2008
http://www.yemen-nic.info/images/raw.gifنوع الدراسة: رسالة جامعية
الملخص :
هدفت الدراسة إلى التحقق من مدى فعالية استخدام أنشطة الذكاءات المتعددة في اكتشاف الأطفال الموهوبين بمرحلة التعليم الأساسي باليمن0
تكونت عينة الدراسة من (640) تلميذاً وتلميذة من تلاميذ الصفين الرابع والثامن بمرحلة التعليم الأساسي من مدارس أربع بمحافظة عدن باليمن في العام الدراسي 2006/2007م ، وتضمنت أدوات الدراسة:
مهام الذكاءات: المنطقي/الرياضي واللغوي والمكاني وأنشطتها. إعداد الباحث.اختبار المصفوفات المتتابعة الملوّن "لرافن" للأطفال من (5ـ11) سنة (تقنين: خلف نصار الهيتي وآخرون على البيئة اليمنية، 1995).
مقياس وكسلر لذكاء الأطفال (إعـداد: محمد عماد الدين إسماعيل ولويس كامل مليكة، 1999).
بطاقات ملاحظة أنشطة الذكاءات الثلاثة (المنطقي الرياضي، اللغوي، والمكاني) (إعداد: محمد رياض أحمد)، وقام الباحث بتعديلها وتقنينها على البيئة اليمنية0
وتوصلت الدراسة إلى أنه يمكن اكتشاف التلاميذ الموهوبين وتحديدهم وزيادة أعدادهم مقارنة بالاختبارات السيكومترية التقليدية، كما توصلت الدراسة إلى أنه لا توجد فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية تتعلق بمتغير كل من الجنس والعمر في الأداء على الأنشطة0
معلم متقاعد
01-29-2010, 07:33 PM
The study attempted to examine the use of multi-intelligence theory in discovering gifted students in Yemeni Basic Education. The sample consisted of 640 (males and females) students in fourth and eighth grades in four schools of Aden Governorate in Yemen during the academic year 2006/2007.
The following tools were used:
1.Functions and activities of intelligences, prepared by the researcher: Linguistic, mathematical and spatial.
2.Rafen Coloured matrices test for children (5-11 years) [Reviewed by Khalaf Nassar Al–Haeti et al., 1995]
3.Children Wechsler intelligence test [M. Emad El-Dein Ismail and Luis Kamel Molika).
4.Observation Records for Intelligence Activities (Linguistic, Mathematical and Spatial) Prepared by (Mohamed Riad Ahmed) Standardized by Researcher.
The study came to the conclusion that it is possible to increase and discover gifted students using multi-intelligence theory in comparison with traditional psychometric tests. There were no statistical differences between samples of the study, regarding gender or age, in the performance of the activities.
Summary of the Study
Our society has been more complex as a result of the fast changes. This requires good thought and right behavior from community members. The most important thing in the psychological studies has become the interest to prepare a good thinker and teaching him how to behave in a good way. This is to prepare a good generation of thinkers and creative people, especially among children.
Allah gives man a good mind in its way of thinking and its other abilities. Scientists argue that man has many types of intelligence used in different situations.
Since current days witness rapid changes due to global system and the revolution in knowledge, this matter requires the improvement of thinking skills in individuals to enable them face the various challenges caused by these problems. Human mind is the best investment of developed countries. The present age also requires the discovery of creative persons because this is a necessity. Those people regarded to be an important factors in the process of competition among civilizations. One they find good care they can do miracles and change their societies.
Various intelligence theory has dealt with the problem of how to deal with gifted people. The theory tried to discover this problem among children, either over 130 or les than 130 degrees. Some programs were designed for ordinary people to discover their inner abilities and activate these abilities and this matter succeeded.
Many systems in developed countries were used in order to improve the creative people and using their abilities in accordance with the needs of the community. Moreover, any carelessness in their care may affect their future education.
Problem of the Study:
The study examined the following hypothesis: "What is the effectiveness of using multi-intelligence theory in discovering gifted students in Yemeni Primary Education ?"
This main question has many secondary questions:
1. Can we discover gifted students and categorize them via estimating their performance using the tri-intelligence system (linguistic, mathematical, spatial) ?
2. Can we expect an increase in the number of gifted students via the previous system in contrast to using psychometric tests (Wechsler, Rafen and Memerization) ?
3. Following the tri-intelligence system, were there any statistical differences between gifted males and females concerning performance?
4.Were there any statistical differences between the performance of gifted students in the tri-intelligence system with the change of the academic level (fourth year and eighth year) ?
5.Was there any statistical difference between the performance of gifted and ungifted students following the psychometric tests (Wechsler, Rafen and Memorization) ?
6.What was, if any, the statistical difference among the three groups of students regarding the performance on psychometric tests (Wechsler, Rafen and Memorization) ?
Aims of the Study:
The present study tried to examine:
1. Effectiveness following multi-intelligence functions in discovering gifted students in Yemeni primary education.
2.Effectiveness of the aforementioned multi-intelligence system in comparison with psychometric tests (Wechsler, Rafen and Memorization) concerning the increase of gifted students using multi-intelligence activities.
3.Performance differences and their statistical output between male and female gifted students concerning multi-intelligence tests (logical mathematical, spatial and linguistic).
4. Statistical differences in performance of gifted students in both the fourth and eight year students in these tests.
5. Psychometric statistical differences between ordinary and gifted students.
6.Psychometric tests statistical differences among the performance of the three groups of students.
Study Hypothesis:
1.It is possible to discover gifted students and categorize them via estimating their performance using tri-intelligence functions (logical mathematical, linguistic and spatial).
2.It is expected that there will be an increase in the number of gifted students using the three functions in comparison with the use of the psychometric tests.
3.There will be no statistical difference between the performance of male and female gifted students using the tri-intelligence functions.
4.There will be no statistical differences between four and eight years students in the mathematical, spatial or linguistic sides.
5.There will be statistical differences in psychometric tests (intelligence and memorization) between ordinary and gifted students.
6.There will be no psychometric test statistical differences among the three groups of students.
Importance of the Study:
Since the importance of any study is theoretically and practically estimated, the importance of the present study can be summarized in the following points:
(A) Theoretical importance:
1.The need to perform studies in the field of creativity to keep up with the modern trends in the discovery of creative people, especially after much warning because of the use of traditional ways in this field, without any practical situation.
2.Preparing a theoretical framework that involves the universal trends in the discovery of gifted people. This will be achieved through making a review of the literature found in the field with specific emphasis on multi-intelligence theories and it's applications in the discovery of creative people.
(B) Practical importance:
1. To known to what extent some programs applied in the world to discover gifted students differ from other psychometric ones.
2.Training teachers on the use of multi-intelligence theory and its activities or tests in the discovery of talented students in Yemen.
Limits of the Study:
(A) Sample of the study:
1. First hand sample: 80 males and females students,, among fourth and eight years primary education students in Aden governorate.
2.Basic sample: 640 male and female students among four and eight year students (second year preparatory school). The first-hand sample was excluded. The mean age was 115.4 months, and the standard Deviation (SD) was (4.4) for fourth year students; and the mean age 164.05 months, and the SD was (4.9) for eight year students.
(B) Tools of the study:
1. Functions and activities of intelligences, prepared by the researcher: Linguistic, mathematical and spatial.
2. Rafen Coloured matrices test for children (5-11 years) [Reviewed by Khalaf Nassar Al–Haeti et al., 1995]
3. Children Wechsler intelligence test [M. Emad El-Dein Ismail and Luis Kamel Molika).
4.Observation Records for Intelligence Activities (Linguistic, Mathematical and Spatial) Prepared by (Mohamed Riad Ahmed) Standardized by Researcher.
Statistical Measures Used in the Study:
1.Mean average of SD.
2."T' test for calculating mean differences and its statistic significance in case of equal and unequal ones.
4.One way ANOVA.
5.Cooper equation.
6.r Pearson coefficient Correlation.
Results of the Study:
1.It is possible to discover gifted students in Yemen using tri-intelligence activities and it is possible also to increase their numbers using this system in comparison with psychometric tests.
2.There were no statistical differences between males and females in performance of tri-intelligence system and there were no difference concerning the academic year.
3.Compared with ordinary students, gifted students were better concerning psychometric tests. Performance of gifted students did not differ much in any test (mathematical, linguistic or spatial) and also in psychometric tests. There was not any statistical difference.
4.It was not possible to dependent on intelligence only as a means to identify gifted students. Some students were discovered as a gifted via activates despite their low intelligence degrees.
Recommendations for Further Study:
1.Performing studies on multi-intelligence theory in different age periods in order to discover gifted students.
2.Performing further studies on other activities kinetic / musical, personal, social and existential.
3.Performing studies of performance on the secondary stage and under graduate, taking into consideration the differences between males and females.
4.Performing multi-intelligence studies on various Yemeni students in other governorates and with various ages.