110546617 زائر
من 1 محرم 1425
أمراض الدم - الثلاسيميا - المنجلية
تقرير - صورة الدم
> السؤال:
miscellaneous hematology
retic 0.7
automated retic counts maybe falsely elvated in patients with sickle cell disease.th presence of nucleated red blood cells may also affect the result.
ret he 31.6
ret-he is an indirect measure of iron status it is reduced
chemistry results
anemia ferritin 13.0 l
tsh 0.155 l
vitamin d 25-oh 24
hemoglobin analysis
hb ao 87.2
hb a2 2.7
not all variants of hb a aremeasured during hemoglobinopathy screening ,consequently the reported values are not expected to add up to 100%
hb f 0.2
normal hemoglobin analysis by hplc . lp
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ام راشد , الامارات |
> الجواب:
التحليل غير كامل