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الوقاية و الاكتشاف المبكر و التدخل المبكر في إعاقات الطفولة
Prevention, Early Detection and Management of Childhood Disabilities

باللغة الانجليزية
دليل تدريبي للأطباء من خلال "مشروع التأهيل المرتكز على المجتمع الخاص بالطفل".
يهدف هذا الدليل الإرشادي الى تعزيز دور الخدمات الصحية الأولية، من أجل الوقاية ، والاكتشاف المبكر، وتأهيل الأطفال ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة، كجزء من مواجهة قضية الإعاقة في مصر.
لتحميل الكتاب كاملاً - - PDF- zip- أضغط على هذا الرابط

المحتويات والفصول:
o الغلاف و الفهرس
o  مقدمة عن الإعاقة
o  المخاطر و الأسباب و عوامل الوقاية من الإعاقة
o الاكتشاف المبكر و التشخيص
o الإعاقة الحركية و العصبية
o الإعاقة البصرية الإعاقة العقلية
o الإعاقة السمعية

Prevention, Early Detection and Management of Childhood Disabilities


Chapter 1: Introduction to Disability 1
o Section 1: Defining disability and required
interventions 2
? What is disability? 2
? Classification/categorization of disability types 6
? Required interventions 8
o Section 2: Effects of Disability 12
? Emotional adjustment 12
? Social issues 13
? Practical considerations 16
o Section 3: Disability services and available
interventions in Egypt 18
? Service requirements 18
? Categorization of services 20
o Section 4: Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) 29
? Definition of CBR 29
? Objectives of CBR 29
? Methods for implementing CBR 29
? Basic Components of the CBR model 31
o Section 5: Childhood disability as a component of
child rights and child protection 32


Chapter 2: Causes, Risk Factors and of Prevention of Disability. 39
o Causes of disabilities 40
? Prenatal causes 41
? Perinatal causes 46
? Childhood causes 48
o Prevention of disability 51
? Stages of prevention 52
? Early recognition of disability 57
? Social and community efforts at tertiary prevention 58

Chapter 3: Early Detection and Screening 67
o Section 1: Early detection 68
? Value of early detection 68
? Examples of the value of early detection 69
o Section 2: Screening 71
? What is Screening? 71
? Criteria to be fulfilled by a screening procedure 71 

Chapter - Subject Page
? The characteristics of the ideal screening test 72
? Practical decisions to be made in implementing
screening programme 73
? Information needed to assess a screening or a
surveillance programme 74
? Types of screening programmes for children 74
o Section 3: Screening of children's growth and development 75
? Definition of developmental screening 75
? Definition of developmental assessment 75
? Some principles of development 75
? Differences between growth and development 76
? Biological characteristics of mankind and parallels of
development for screening 76
? Developmental disability 77
? Developmental risk 77
? Developmental milestones 78
o Section 4: Examples of screening programmes and procedures 82
? Examples of screening programmes 82
? Denver developmental screening test 85
? Suggested guide for developmental screening procedures 89
o Annex I: Growth charts 103

Chapter 4: Motor and Neurological Disabilities 109
o Section 1: Motor disability 110
? Definition 110
? Types 110
? Degrees 111
? Prevalence 111
? Causes / risk factors 111
? Early detection / identification 113
? Infant Neurological International Battery (INFANIB) 115
? Assessment 117
? Early intervention & rehabilitation 121
? Referral 122
o Section 2: Cerebral Palsy (CP) 123
? Definition 123
? Prevalence 123
? Causes 123
? Risk Factors 124 
Chapter - Subject Page
? Manifestations 125
? Types 126
? Diagnosis 127
? Management 128
? Prevention 135
o Section 3: Epilepsy 136
? Definition 136
? Prevalence 137
? Prognosis 137
? Causes & risk factors 137
? What are the different kinds of seizures? 140
? What are the different kinds of epilepsy? 142
? When are seizures not epilepsy? 144
? Diagnosis 145
? Prevention 147
? Treatment 148

Chapter 5: Visual Disability 163
? Definition / classification 164
? Prevalence and burden (globally and in Egypt) 164
? Causes / risk factors 165
? Basic eye anatomy and function 167
? Landmarks for the development of eye and vision 170
? Assessment of visual disability 171
? Landmarks for screening 175
? How to perform basic eye tests for screening 176
? Prevention of visual disability 178
? Key points for doctors and parents 180

Chapter 6: Mental Disability 185
o Section 1: Introduction to mental disability 186
? Normal psychological development of the child 187
? Normal psychological development of school age child (6-12) 187
? Landmarks to be observed & common problems
during the first five years 188
? Situations dangerous for children mental health 189
? General psychiatric assessment of children 189
o Section 2: Mental retardation and associated disorders 191
? Warning signs 191
? Categories of mental retardation 19i

Chapter Subject Page
? Common clinical syndromes associated with mental
retardation 192
? Clinical management of mentally retarded children 193
o Section 3: Specific mental health problems 195
? Eating disorder 195
? Bed-wetting /day time wetting (enuresis) 195
? Sleeping problems 196
? Anxiety disorders 196
? Attention deficit with hyperkinesias (ADHD) 199
? Autism 200
o Section 4: Child abuse & maltreatment 201
? Definition 201
? Signs 201
? Child abuse: How to manage? 202
o Section 5: Guidelines in dealing with the families 203

Chapter 7: Hearing Disability 207
? Definition of hearing disability 208
? Prevalence of hearing disability 208
? Types of hearing disability 208
? Levels of hearing disability 209
? Causes & risk factors of hearing disability 211
? Assessment of hearing disability 212
? Management of hearing disability 219



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خدمة الخلاصات تاريخ آخر تحديث: 1/4/2022

أطفال الخليج ذوي الإحتياجات الخاصة

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